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DCASA (the Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa) have updated the look and feel of their home website




The website now looks like something this:










The website features a link to the DCASA online forum (open to the public- anyone can join up) as well as mentioning the new Article Knowledge Base (only for DCASA member) which the site describes in the following way:

The Article Knowledge Base is a library of articles collected over a period of time, that carries academic value. Article categories range from Case Law to Practice Notes to Procedural issues. The Article Knowledge Base has a few dedicated authors that had been contributing to the industry since before the inception if the NCA. All articles are moderated before being published in our Knowledge Base to ensure that they are of the highest quality

The site also has information on local branches as well as information about committees and staff: HERE

It also features a handy complaints section as well as a members search function featuring the 263 DCASA members. You can not only search for the DC but also find contact details and send them an email.

To visit the website and see the new look head over to: