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Debtfree DIGI June 2016 Our Editor’s Note


Time flies. This is sometimes a scary thing. Before you know it summer is a distant memory, your new years resolutions seem like a faded fools dream and it is the heart of winter. We often get caught up in the day to day, week to week that we fail to see time slipping by at an alarming rate. Blink and you may have been too busy at work trying to earn a living and support your family that you may miss your kids growing up entirely. Blink and you may have spent every week so stressed and every weekend trying to recover from work that you find a decade can slip by before you know it.

With just a few days till the 2016 Annual Debt Review Awards it is hard for any of the Debtfree Magazine team to concentrate on anything else. For us the last year has flown by and here we are again about to host what we hope is a fun and encouraging Debt Review Awards gala. The results of the industry wide peer review will be announced (more about that in this issue). The top 5 DCs in various categories will be announced and the winners will get their golden piggy bank awards on the evening. We wish everyone the all the best for that.

This issue we also take a look at news like: how Japanese crooks defrauded an SA bank out of millions using SA consumers cloned bank cards. We discuss some recent circulars and changes to the way things are done in the industry and consider how this will effect consumers and Debt Counsellors alike. We also go where angles fear to tread in the first part of a series of articles called Call Centre Debt Counsellors – The Big Debate. Do the NCR want to get rid of these massive operations or not? We have newsletters, explain why ratings agencies matter, discuss increased fees and more. So, take a moment to enjoy the issue.

Often people, who find they are in a bad financial situation because of a financial reversal or perhaps a big unplanned for expense, feel that the last few years of their career or worse their life have been a waste and that they have actually move backwards in life instead of moving forwards. This is naturally incredibly frustrating. We all want to make progress and improve our lives. This is totally normal. The good news is that, as scary as it is when time slips by it can also be a blessing for those under debt review.

Time fliesBy entering debt review consumers are finally taking positive steps to move forward with their finances. Those under debt review will tell you that it is however a long process. Thank goodness time flies. Before you know it half a year has shot by and then another and before you know it, it is time to pay off that last account and be debt free.


[This article from the June 2016 Debtfree Magazine. Subscribers get first access.]