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Industry Meeting

Recently, the Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa held a regional meeting or two.  You may wonder: What is such a meeting like?

Well, here are some pics from those meetings.

Venue Supplied By ONE

Well known, and trusted, insurance providers ONE generously have been hosting meetings in Gauteng and KZN at their fantastic offices.

Attendees have been most impressed by the snazzy venues and DCASA say they are very happy that ONE have been so kind and have made the venues available.

Find Out More: Check Out One’s Website Here

ONE provide specialised insurance for people in debt review (and all types of insurance for everything else from life insurance to home insurance)


With the large number of DCASA members in Gauteng the venue is large enough to comfortably seat everyone.

Often the meetings will include an update on industry forums such as the DCASA NEC meetings or the NCR’s CIF meetings. 

Members also have the chance to identify issues that are developing at grassroots so that they can hopefully be handled at an association level.

ONE generously make snacks and even some notebooks and pens available (and sometimes a few other items as well).


The meetings are well attended by local Debt Counsellors (and some of their staff) as well as some credit providers.

There are a range of members from the very experienced to the brand new. All get to share their experiences.

And after (or between) all the chats and presentations there is often time for a snack and a look at the view. It’s a good one.

Informative and Fun

Catching up with others in the industry (both the Debt Counsellors who attend as well as the credit providers or service providers who may be there) is a good use of your time and energy.

The association providers regular feedback at these meetings and besides networking it gives members the chance to spend time face to face with others with common challenges.

You may even bump into this guy while you are at one of the DCASA meetings at one of the venues: