Sudden Uptick in Problems in Gauteng Courts?
Debt Counsellors Report Gauteng Courts Feel Obstructive
Not all courts deal with debt review in exactly the same way. This is because the National Credit Act (NCA) did not have a checklist or standard application form for the courts to use when a consumer applies for debt relief through debt counselling. As a result, many different courts do things differently.
For example, some courts want consumers to come to court others don’t (because they know they are working and probably can’t get time off or if they do have to take leave it will affect their already strained income).
‘there seems to be a less than willing attitude by these courts to assist consumers swiftly when they need relief and legal protection the most’
Are you a Debt Counsellor who regularly appears in these courts? Please let us know what your experience has been over the last few weeks.