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ABSA Email Address Change & Email Service Of Legal Documents

In an effort to speed up and simplify the legal side of debt review ABSA are willing to accept notifications of legal action via email. Recently, however, the ABSA Distressed Customer Solutions department made changes to many of their email addresses.

As a result of the changes, ABSA sent out a notification to all Debt Counsellors that they would accept service of any of the following forms or documents to the main email address:

Debt reviewrelated documents, e.g. Form 17.1, Form 17.2, Form 17.3, Form 17.W, Provisional and Final Proposals, etc.
Court, NCT, rescission and variation applications

Court, NCT, rescission and variation orders

Reckless credit applications

Debt review legal notices and pleadings.

If you are a Debt Counsellor you may want to save this document (below) which they would like you to use in your court papers.


Absa 7294 EX approved