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Make Sure

If you are looking for help with your debt or if someone calls you to discuss dealing with debt, you should make sure they are qualified to give you advice.

One way that you can do this is by asking to see their Debt Counsellors Certificate of Registration with the National Credit Regulator (NCR).

Every NCR registered Debt Counsellor has one. They look like this

Simply ask whoever you are talking to about your debt situation, to show you theirs.

It is good to do so because only an NCR registered Debt Counsellor is allowed to perform the functions of a Debt Counsellor (someone who counsels you about your debt situation and debt review).

If they do have such a certificate check that it is up to date (right at the bottom in the middle) and if they do not have one then walk away as you may be getting advice from a scammer or an unqualified person.

Don’t be shy: Ask to see their NCR Certificate!