Reading Time: 8 minutes

A Win For The Entire Debt Review Industry

For nearly a decade now, the debt review industry has been taking part in peer reviews of their industry counterparts and rating their performance. Each year, the results of these peer reviews are announced at a small gala event called the Debt Review Awards.

For the past 3 years, people across the country have been able to tune in (via YouTube) and watch the show live and find out who among the industry, were the highest rated in various categories.

This year, the event was held in Cape Town and once again, live streamed to thousands across the country. Many debt counselling and credit provider offices closed shop a little early on a Friday afternoon and tuned in.

Here are some of the highlights from the day.

The Guests

The event is a humble affair, but the organisers do try to give the guests a reason to get dressed up.

It was great for many to get their first chance in many years to spend time together, face to face.

The Venue

The event was held in the Cape Town CBD at the Pier Place restaurant and rooftop garden. This indoor/outdoor venue offered guests a unique view of the ocean, city and famous Table Mountain.

Speeches & Presentations

The event was introduced by internet personality Schalk Bezuidenhout with his off-beat sense of humour.

After a few laughs and some pictures of people who work across the industry, it was time for some more serious stuff.

Our Editor, Mr Zak King was the host for the day and he warmly commended all who work within the industry for the way they are changing lives, improving consumers’ mental and fiscal well-being, and saving families and relationships.

NCT Chairperson, Mr Trevor Bailey gave an impassioned speech about how valuable debt review is, and its role in assisting consumers. He told the audience that the NCT have increased their capacity, and are ready to help even more consumers.

Next, viewers and guests were treated to a mini-documentary about the debt review process. The documentary started with Ms. Kedilatile Legodi of the NCR who discussed how back before 2007 there was a real need for updated and improved legislation to protect consumers. It was out of this need that the National Credit Act was born. Other familiar faces from across the industry at various credit providers, debt counselling practices, PDAs or attorney firms shared their experiences of how things had changed and improved over the years up to today, when the process is successfully assisting hundreds of thousands of consumers.

A Sad Farewell

The audience also got to hear a few messages of farewell to the long-time industry stalwart, Mr Chris Van der Straaten of Hyphen PDA.

Saishen Krishnan (SK) who is now heading up the team at Hyphen, shared some kind words about the role Chris has played both in the industry and at Hyphen PDA and shared some videos from team members and others in the industry, who sent farewells and best wishes as Chris moves onto his post-employment plans.

The Debtfree Magazine team have enjoyed working with Chris over the years, and we also want to send Chris our best and look forward to engaging with him in the future.

Partner Awards

Each year the Debt Review Awards partners with select service providers to recognise the efforts of particular individuals who work within the industry or consumers who are in the process.

Debt Review Awards | ONE Significant Contribution To Debt Review Awards

Well known insurance provider ONE have partnered with the Awards for several years now in an effort to recognise and reward individuals who are making an effort to improve the process and industry.

With the help of ONE and the industry wide peer reviews, it was once again possible to identify two incredibly hard working and deserving individuals who are going above and beyond to help improve the debt review industry.

This year the Debt Review Awards | ONE Significant Contribution to the Debt Review Process award went to:

Timmy van der Grjip | VDGC

Timmy worked for many years at the regulator and since leaving has been very busy assisting debt counsellors and credit providers with advice and assistance. He has also been orgainsing free industry online webinars and promoting information sharing.

This year the Debt Review Awards | ONE Significant Contribution to the Debt Review Process awards went to:

Ansie Greef | iPDA

Everyone who has met Ansie, knows that she is a kind and caring person who will offer assistance and advice, day or night. She has for many years now been a pivotal part of both iPDA and the industry. Her consistent positive efforts were recognised this year.

Partner Awards

Debt Review Awards | Slipstream Technology Adoption Award

The debt review industry is a sophisticated one and technology plays an ever increasing role in making debt review services possible. Technology is making it possible for Debt Counsellors to do more, in less time, and giving consumers who are in the process, increased transparency and access to data about their matters.

This is why the Debt Review Awards have partnered with Slipstream to recognise the Debt Counsellor who is making the best use of their systems, and whose clients are the most active in using the system.

This year the Debt Review Awards | Slipstream Technology Adoption award went to:

Eugene Cilliers of PayPlan Solutions

Capital Data Debt Reprieve

In an exciting new partnership, the Awards and Capital Data were happy to help bring some much needed relief to loyal consumers, who have been in the process for some time.

Debt Counsellors all have those clients who have been loyally sticking to the process for some time, making their payments monthly but who are now taking strain due to the ever increasing cost of living. Many clients are also closer to retirement age, and this can be an added source of stress.

It was from among this group of very deserving, regularly paying consumers that Capital Data decided to offer some relief.

During the Awards show, two team members from Capital Data announced the names of several consumers who would have their debt with Capital Data set aside.

In an amazing show of support for such hard working and loyal clients, who have been sticking with the process, a total of over R30 000 was set aside.

The announcements were met with rounds of applause from debt counsellors and credit providers alike. The guests and online viewers can only imagine how exciting it will be for these clients to get a call from their Debt Counsellor to let them know the great news.

The organisers want to say a very big THANK YOU to Capital Data who ended their presentation by telling the audience to “watch this space next year”.



Payment Distribution Agents

The four officially NCR registered, and legitimate Payment Distribution Agents which consumers can make use of to help them distribute their monthly debt repayments are:

CollectNet PDA

DC Partner PDA

Hyphen PDA


The Awards in the PDA categories were split between DC Partner PDA (who took home the Award as reviewed by Debt Counsellors) and Hyphen PDA (who took home the award as reviewed by credit providers).


Credit Providers

Credit providers’ debt review departments in different size and type categories were recognised.

Most improved Credit Provider Debt Review Department | ABSA Bank
Short Term Finance | FinChoice (a division of HomeChoice)
Retail Finance | Consumer Friend (obo various clients)
Large Non-Bank Credit Provider | Old Mutual
Vehicle Finance | Wesbank (a division of FirstRand Bank Ltd)
Banks – Unsecured | African Bank
Banks – Secured | ABSA Bank
New Award Category:
Highest Rated Credit Provider Debt Review Department | African Bank


Debt Counsellors

Boutique Debt Counsellors

Top 5 Boutique Debt Counselling Practices Alphabetically:

Angela Marcell Crowder | Refine Debt Solutions
Lee Lombard | Garden Route Debt Counsellors
Olivia Mocke | DebtCrew
Olwen Jacobs | Newlo Debt Counsellors
Petra Swanepoel | Streamline Debt Counselling

The Highest Rated In This Category:

Olwen Jacobs | Newlo Debt Counsellors

Small Debt Counselling Practice

Top 5 Small Debt Counselling Practices Alphabetically:

Anthony Mac Minn | 2nd Chance Debt Counsellors
Jacobus Stephanus de Vos | Complete Debt Counselling
Mark James Fulton | Consumer Relief
Shaun Zeelie | Master Your Money
Thomas Chauke | TP Debt Solutions

The Highest Rated In This Category:

Anthony Mac Minn | 2nd Chance Debt Counsellors


Medium Debt Counselling Practice

Top 5 Medium Debt Counselling Practices Alphabetically:

Annienne Nel | Consumer Debt Support
Awie Coetzee | SA Debt Help
Cornel Strydom | Debt Review Centre
Gerhard Stoltz | Gerhard Stoltz Debt Counsellors
Tania Dekker | Debt Free with Armani

The Highest Rated In This Category:

Gerhard Stoltz | Gerhard Stoltz Debt Counsellors



Large Debt Counselling Practice

Top 5 Large Debt Counselling Practices Alphabetically:

Credit Matters
Debt Therapy
Vantage Debt Management

The Highest Rated In This Category:

Debt Therapy



National Debt Counselling Practice

Top 5 National Debt Counselling Practices Alphabetically:

DC Experts
Debt Rescue
National Debt Advisors (NDA)
National Debt Counsellors (NDC)

The Highest Rated In This Category:


After The Event

The weather in Cape Town cooperated on the day, and after the speeches and Awards were over, guests got a chance to enjoy some refreshments and the amazing city and mountain views on the open rooftop garden.

Sponsors & Supporters

The entire process throughout the year and the annual event would not be possible without the ongoing support of our supporters and sponsors.

They participate, promote and contribute towards the process each year.

The process is audited by Moore SA and we wish to particularly thank Mr Barry Fuchs for his efforts.

We also need to every single participant in the peer reviews this year. Regardless if it was a 3min review or a 30min review your combined efforts help identify those role players who are striving for excellence.


The organisers finally want to thank every member of the extended team who helped make the event possible this year. From design work, video editing, planning, social media, organising, accounting, emailing, phoning, updating websites and all that good stuff. Thanks everyone.


The organisers are always looking for ways to make the event more accessible, more convenient, more transparent, and more fun.

If you have any suggestions about the event please do not hesitate to email

Please share your ideas for the 2022/2023 awards process and Awards Show.

Next year is the 10th year and we want to have the best event ever.

Your suggestions are more than welcome!