Debtfree Invite You To a Free DC Workshop (11th July)
July 9, 2024
Reading Time: 2minutes
Debt Counsellors Workshop
Debtfree are hosting a series of workshops aimed at helping new Debt Counsellors run a sustainable practice that assists as many people as possible.
This week the workshop will be held on Thursday 11th.
The online workshop is held from 3pm – 3:30pm.
Invest 30 Minutes In Your Practice's Future
Want to Grow Your Practice?
Of course you do, but the question is: how to do so with limited resources?
Last week we looked at growing your practice simply by doing what you have already been doing but just stepping that up a lot and doing much much MORE.
This week we will look at something even less risky, something that takes longer but can cost you very very little.
These topics are covered during this series of 16 workshops covering various subjects.
The workshops also feature group discussion sessions and the chance to meet and engage with key industry parties (like credit providers, ombud, tribunals, service providers and more).
The workshops are specifically aimed at those planning to open a practice soon, those who have recently opened a practice and debt counselling practices with less than 300 clients.
If you would like to attend, for free, at 3pm then simply email: