Reading Time: 3 minutes

Debtfree Magazine Issue 9 of 2021 – Our Editor’s Note

There is an old saying:

“How do you know when a politician is lying?”

“When his lips are moving”.

Cynical, no doubt, but people around the world, and throughout history have been burnt by politicians making promises they never intend to keep and hiding the truth. From the famous: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” to the ‘blame it on minorities’ strategies of the 1930’s Nazi party.  It seems lies and politics goes hand in hand.

But obviously, it’s not only politicians who lie, we all tend to lie to ourselves. Go stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself that you look skinnier than when lockdown began, tell yourself that you look better now than you did 10 years ago*, tell yourself that combing your hair that way hides your bald spot.

‘One area where we inadvertently lie to ourselves is when it comes to money and debt’

One area where we inadvertently lie to ourselves is when it comes to money and debt. Often these are just ‘little’ lies (eg. I need it, I can afford it).  Small lies with massive ramifications on our decision making, and life choices. In this issue, we have a look at some of these common lies and consider how they hurt us.

Why not read through the article and see if anything resonates with you?

Perhaps you have been selling yourself one of these lies for years now. It might be time for a change, “yes we can”!

It has been a busy few weeks for the Debtfree Magazine team as many of us also work on the Debt Review Awards project and help with the organisation of the event. Those of us who do, were glad when things went off without too many hitches, phew! We really want to thank the supporters, participants and generous sponsors for all your help to help make the event a success. We could not have done it without you!

We have something of a summary article in this issue, as we look behind the scenes and review some of the glam of the event. Yup, even though the event was done remotely this year, some of you really went all out to celebrate, the closest the debt review industry gets to, a national holiday. Well done to all those recognized this year and to those consumers who got their clearance certificates. We are so excited that you are now debt free!

‘Well done to all those recognized this year and to those consumers who got their clearance certificates’

So, put the kettle on, and take a few minutes to relive the highlights of the Awards, check out the latest financial news, some tips and advice. Take a moment to reflect on your attitudes towards money and debt and enjoy this issue.

Things are tough out there between the pandemic, the economic challenges of lockdown, stress from work and family and having to pay off your debts. If you made it through another month then we want to say well done to you! You made it this far, please keep going.  You can do it and that’s no lie, soon you will be debt free.


[Debtfree Team] We hope you enjoy the issue which will be going out to our subscribers and social media followers first and then available to read right here on the website.


This article first appeared in Debtfree Magazine issue 9 of 2021








*hopefully you do, we are just using this as a generalized example of self delusion