Editor’s Note – Debtfree Magazine Issue #11
Our Editors Note
I don’t know about you but I am mentally fatigued. Admittedly, it has been a real rollercoaster of a year and we are suddenly only a few weeks from 2021 (when did that happen?). With the constant stream of new 2020 catastrophes and constant bad news my brain has started to feel like mush most of the time.
‘I don’t know about you but I am mentally fatigued’
I hear I am not the only one. You too may be feeling like 2020 is taking both too long to finish and has simultaneously flown by in a blur. Maybe, like me, you feel your output is lower than ever and you feel like you are working through brain fog, just going about your daily routine on autopilot.
That’s why the fact that it is suddenly almost the end of the year is a real wakeup call. If you are going to successfully make it through December and January then you need to make sure you are ready now. The end of the year is tricky and this year will no doubt be trickier than most with our severely constrained budgets. Be sure to have a look for our reminder article on the topic. It is one of several articles this issue with its, tongue in cheek, Black Friday cover.
‘the fact that it is suddenly almost the end of the year is a real wakeup call’
This issue we discuss why people seem so desperate in 2020 to hop on the Black Friday train. I mean even my local grocery store is trying to convince me that they have the best toothbrush deals for me and they are competing with airlines who think I am insane enough to hop on a plane and be around other people I don’t even know (nice try, lunatics). It seems everyone is desperate to squeeze money from the very dry stone that is my wallet this year. Oh wait, that’s because they are. We delve into the growing hysteria surrounding and the origins of Black Friday.
The Lockdown & The Debt Review Industry
If you have been wondering how the Pandemic has hit the debt counselling profession and industry then you will no doubt enjoy our look at that in this issue. The results have not been exactly what you might think and the effects will be felt for some time to come.
We also feature news, reviews, tips, advice and all the usual. We all managed to get our brains in gear long enough to help get this issue together for your reading education and pleasure. We do really hope that you enjoy it. We truly hope that the magazine helps you know that you are not alone in your tough journey through 2020 and that even though things are rough, others, just like you, are slowly but surely paying off their debt and getting their lives back on track. It can be done.
When We Look Back In Years To Come
When you think back to 2020 you will no doubt remember what a crazy year it was but hopefully you will not be just remembering your debts.
You will hopefully be thinking about other more important things like spending lots of time with your family, like how you developed new skills, like how much you enjoyed going to work in your slippers. These small positive things have become our daily motivators that help carry us through the brain fog, through the fatigue, through the bad news, onwards another day, another week, another month on our journey to finally being debt free.
This article first appeared in Debtfree Magazine issue 11 of 2020
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