NCR Workshop for Debt Counsellors
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NCR Workshop for Debt Counsellors in the Western Cape
The National Credit Regulator ( NCR ) will be hosting a workshop for registered Debt Counsellors in Cape Town Bellville in the Western Cape Province. The workshop is intended for only registered Debt Counsellors and will be attended by some of the key Stakeholders who will conduct presentations on their different roles within the Debt Counselling industry.
Topics to be covered during the workshop are:
- Recent Court Judgments
- General Compliance
- Debt Counselling Process
Date: 27 September 2013
Time: 09:00am to 15:00pm
The venue has to be announced as yet but when it is Debtfree will let you know.
If you would like to attend you can contact Sharon Mokwena at: before the 13th of September 2013.