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NCR News

Under a heading on the DTI website entitled: Board/CEO/Commissioners Vacancies, you will find the following information/call for applications:

The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) is calling for nominations and applications to fill several vacancies within the entities under the Executive Authority of the Minister.

Nomination Procedure: Applications and Nominations must be submitted in writing and must contain the following information: Detailed curriculum vitae that includes membership of all boards the nominee currently serves on or has served on in the past, motivation for the appointment and certified copies of the identity document and qualifications obtained.

The following mandatory forms must be fully completed, signed, and submitted:

Call for applications:

    1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO): National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS)
    2. Chief Executive Officer (CEO): National Credit Regulator (NCR)
    3. Competition Commission (CompCom): Deputy Commissioners (2X)

Closing date: Call for Applications, positions 1-3 – 4 October 2024

Application Procedure: Applications must include a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), certified copies of the Identity Document, and qualifications obtained.

In addition: Background verification, including criminal record and citizenship checks, will form part of the selection process • It is the nominee’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications verified by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

For more info you can head directly to the site here: