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Debtfree Magazine #3/2021 – Editor’s Note


This month, we get to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the short, but essential, 14 day lockdown due to Covid-19.

A whole year…Wow! Can you believe it?

A year ago, if you saw people wearing masks, you ran away from them thinking they were crooks. Now, we run away from people not wearing masks, in case they make us sick, how times have changed.

1 Year

Will we celebrate a year of lockdown, or will we cry into our cups bitterly thinking of all we have lost? It hardly seems like something to celebrate.

It has been a really tough 12 months, that’s for sure. Last year 2.2 million people lost their jobs (and even though many got them back as time went by and restrictions lifted) there are now 17.9 Million people in SA who are unemployed. That’s one out of every 3 people in the country. Tough times indeed.

‘Over 50 000 people have lost their lives and more than 1,500,000 are dealing with the after-effects of the virus’

Over 50 000 people have lost their lives and more than 1,500,000 are dealing with the after-effects of the virus. Even though vaccines are becoming available, many have valid concerns; how effective and safe are they, and how they are rolling out worldwide. It is all very stressful.

That’s a topic we have a look at this issue: how you can deal with your stress. Now, admittedly you are never going to escape stress entirely, but we discuss how to get it under control.  You might even pick up some practical ways to reduce your stress levels.

The Price of a Debt Review

We also discuss something that stresses a lot of people out: a review of the fees for debt counselling. We look at what was done in the past, and challenges with this process moving forward. It is a complex riddle that faces those in the industry – finding a balance between the costs of offering extremely professional help, and still not overcharging the credit providers and consumers for the process.

In Other News…Don’t Get Stuck In the Suez

We also look at local and international news impacting our finances. It’s good to keep your finger on the pulse. Add to that the usual mix of advice, tips, reviews and more.

‘Time has dragged on, painfully slow and yet it has also flown by’

It is funny how a full year of the Pandemic seems both long and short. Time has dragged on, painfully slow and yet it has also flown by. It is a lot like being in debt review, the process seems to take forever.

You feel like you are not making any progress and then suddenly, Boom, you have paid up all your debt. Wouldn’t that be something worth celebrating? Imagine finally becoming completely debt free.




This article first appeared in Debtfree Magazine issue 3 of 2021