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Podcast About Debt Review

The latest episode of Debt Review With Dummies (Podcast) is great.

It shares the story of Cass a young mom who was studying, dealing with the challenges of a new baby, trying to make payments on a new home and new car as well as mounting debt.


Learning From Others Debt Review Experiences

Cass was trying to have it all and over committed to too much in too short a time period. She shares how she was feeling with all that going on, pressures in her personal life and living on her credit card month to month to just put food on the table.

It is a highly relatable story and it is great to see how once she entered debt review things turned around significantly.

But as with all tales it was not all plain sailing. There was both the good and the bad; the highs and the challenges.

Be sure to check out the episode to hear what advice she now shares with younger ones who face a similar situation or may be thinking about taking on a bunch of debt.