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Credit Solutions Brings in Consumer Friend For Debt Review

SWU & Maxi Credit Solutions will now be outsourcing their debt review processes to Consumer Friend

SWU Credit Solutions as well as Maxi Credit Solutions and  SWU Housing Finance, who offer loans and financing to the public (incl assisting those in the armed forces with credit). They  have been around since 1999. 

Credit Solutions & Debt Review

Every credit provider has to have a department (or allocated resources) to handle debt review matters that arrise due to consumers becoming over indebted and struggling to repay their debt. Since consumers can then enter debt review, credit providers need to be able to assist them in this process when a Debt Counsellor comes calling. 

These brands (collectively reffered to as Credit Solutions and associated with ORBIS Holdings) have now decided to bring in Consumer Friend to assist them further with the debt review related cases.

Consumer Friend Logo small

Debt Counsellors regularly deal with Consumer Friend and make use of the DReX portal for debt review matters for a wide range of credit providers. They will now be able to use the same communication channels to handle Credit Solutions matters.



Download the mandate here:

Credit Solutions | Consumer Friend Mandate Sept 2022