On 13 & 14 June 2023 there will be an industry workshop hosted by Timmy Van Der Grijp regarding a recent NCT Ruling (as well as related topics about consent orders).
The Ruling In Question
The recent NCT ruling (one of many on the topic) was an unopposed application to try and get a persons debt review status removed by first having the NCT’s consent order rescinded.
While the ruling confirmed much of what Debt Counsellors already know about NCT consent orders it also raised some questions as to whether and when a consumer is actually overindebted. It also reminds Debt Counsellors and consumers that not all debt review matters can currently be heard by the NCT.
Recently, the NCT and NCR were at parliament and recommended that the NCT be enabled to hear all sorts of debt review cases.
You can book your seat now on the “plans and pricing” page of the www.vdgc.one site or contact Timmy van der Grijp on 072 916 0708 (WhatsApp only) or timmy@vdgc.one for further information,