Editor’s Note
Debtfree November 2018 – Editor’s Note
How many times have you told yourself that when summer arrives this year you are not going to make the same winter mistakes you did last time. You tell yourself that this time you are going to be in beach ready shape by the time summer rolls around.
Does that sound familiar?
If you do want to get in shape then you may consider a diet of some sort. Now, diets are admittedly more interesting to research, plan and discuss than actually do. They require a lot of self-restraint (and you miss out on all the yummy, naughty stuff your friends insist on eating in front of you). You have to really commit if you really want to lose weight.
‘diets are admittedly more interesting to research, plan and discuss than actually do’
In a similar way debt review too takes a very high level of commitment to make it through the process. The question then is: Have you really committed to the process? Check out the article on the topic in this issue and be sure to look out for warning signs that you may not be as committed as you think.
We also have lots of recent news from the industry and reviews you will want to check out. Suddenly the end of the year beckons and brings with it dangers which we discuss in this issue in some detail. Will you make any classic debt review blunders this December or will you be able to make it through the end of year successfully? Be on the lookout for some simple tips on how to avoid the dangers.
‘Will you make any classic debt review blunders this December or will you be able to make it through the end of year successfully?’
If you are looking forward to not only the end of year break but also getting out of debt then you have just a few more days to plan how you will deal with December. So, break out those costumes and try them on in the privacy of your own home. See if your winter routine has let you down or not but whatever the result make sure that your debt review routine doesn’t waiver. Make those payments!
Soon you will be ready to rest and relax and perhaps even sooner than you think you may be debt free.