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Fake NCR Certificate On Display at Ponzi Scheme Head Office?

Debt Counsellors and Credit Providers are required to display a sticker and registration certificate issued to them by the National Credit Regulator (NCR). This helps let members of the public know that they are dealing with legitimate businesses.

A Fake?

A recent so-called bitcoin ponzi scheme operating in the town of Ladysmith has caught the eye of the media and reports about the pyramid schemes offices indicate that, in an effort to bolster client confidence, a number of certificates are displayed at the office from various regulators including supposedly the National Credit Regulator.


Those observing the supposed NCR certificate closely say that the font on the supposed certificate seems to be different from that officially used by the NCR and this may well indicate that it is actually fake. Several other certificates relating to other regulators and official bodies also displayed have many of the hallmarks of being faked and have no actual bearing on the proported business being run (investments).

‘feel free to ask to see copies of such certificates or look for them on the wall as they should be displayed where you can easily see them’

Ask To See The Certificate

If you go to a credit providers offices or a Debt Counsellors office, feel free to ask to see copies of such certificates or look for them on the wall as they should be displayed where you can easily see them. Of course, with possible fake certificates out there being displayed by some less than savoury characters this may sadly erode confidence in such a registration requirement. You can also look up such Debt Counsellors or credit providers on the NCR database on their website to see if they are actually registered.