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Debtfree Magazine – Our Editor’s Note

Nobody likes poor service. These days we have so many choices that we hardly have to put up with it any more. If your mobile network is not delivering well then, you can switch networks. Is that queue outside the restaurant too long? Well then, simply go to the place next door. Every company seems to have a direct competitor and that enables consumers to be in the driver seat for once.

On top of that, as consumers, we have become increasingly aware of our rights. This is a good thing. Gone are the days when large credit providers could easily walk all over the rights of consumers with impunity (it still happens but these days consumers get to fight back when it does). Along with increased awareness of our rights, we are now able to exercise more choice in regard to the service we get.  Things are changing so much these days that people are even sometimes managing to get out of timeshare contracts these days. I know, it sounds like an impossible dream but it can and does actually happen.

‘as consumers, we have become increasingly aware of our rights. This is a good thing’

The idea of sticking to one service provider (what they call brand loyalty) is gone. We now move to the best price and best deal quickly in order to get the most ‘bang’ for our buck. But can this also apply to debt review? What if someone calls from a different debt counselling firm and offers you a better deal? We talk about this increasing trend and ask if we should be concerned or intrigued.

‘What if someone calls from a different debt counselling firm and offers you a better deal? We talk about this increasing trend and ask if we should be concerned or intrigued’

This issue we also interview a credit provider, review recent events, catch up on the latest news and see what the Debt Counsellors associations are talking about. There are a lot of things on the go. Change seems to be the only constant.

Sometimes change can be beneficial, other times not. For example, getting stuck with credit card debt for the rest of all time is probably not the kind of constant you are looking for. So, be sure to check out our article about why you seem to always be trying to catch up on credit cards and not making any progress.

If your ‘constant’ has been struggling with your debt then debt review may be just the thing for you. Consider making the change. If you are already in debt review then we hope you stick with the process and are not too speedy to believe everyone who calls you up offering something new. Get the best deal sure but don’t get taken for a ride. Be wise, be cautious, get good service, make those payments and get debt free.



This article first featured in the May 2019 issue of Debtfree Magazine. Read it online for free HERE