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Debt Counsellors To Submit Stats Mid Month

Every three months Debt Counsellors (and others) have to submit their recent stats to the National Credit Regulator. The next batch is due by 15th November 2022. Debt Counsellors are to gather and submit their statistics for the months of July, August and September and submit them to the NCR by midmonth November (15 Nov 2022) Submitting such stats is obligatory and is very helpful to the NCR, who in turn are required to submit stats and figures to parliament from time to time (and who also share information in publications that track the credit market and credit use). Registrants are able to submit their stats as soon as they are available and do not have to wait for the due date. The Form 42 should be mailed to:

TIP: When sending in your email be sure to add your NCRDC# in the title of the email to make it easier for them to find and identify your return.