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The Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa (DCASA) met this month for their annual general meeting.

At the recent DCASA AGM, which was held online, members got to catch up on DCASA projects and get an insight into the finances of the association.

The highlight of the meeting was feedback from the current DCASA President Mr Reinhard Pettenberger (who is the Debt Counsellor owner of the awards winning Debt Therapy practice).

His report looked back over the year with highlights like the return of the Annual DCASA Conference and the more recent start of the CIM meetings.

Read More: What is CIM?

He spent some time explaining the purpose of the CIM meetings. He also took time to update members about the free credit report initiative for full DCASA members.

Looking ahead to 2023, Reinhard discussed the plan to hold more regular surveys and engagements with credit providers as well as the news that CIF should return in 2023.

DCASA members hold themselves to a high standard and plans to allow consumers to report any issues with DCASA members and how the associations standards will be maintained were discussed. Given the importance of helping grow consumer confidence in the debt review process and DCASA, members who do not comply with industry accepted standards will lose their membership.


Information regarding the finances of the association is, of course, for members only but simply put, the association, like others, is able to determine its budget based on membership fees and contributions. These have stabilised and are in good standing.


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If you would like to join the Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa please visit their (updated) website for more information.