The NCR is sending out invoices for annual renewal to registered Debt Counsellors.
Annual Renewals Due
Each year the National Credit Regulator (NCR) asks registrants to pay a registration fee so that they can practice.
Debt Counsellors, at present, pay at least R750 (R500 + R250) if they have one office.
It is a tricky time of year for the industry as court papers require the current certificates of registration for the Debt Counsellors involved in the matter. This means that many court packs need to be updated as this annual change rolls around. Not doing so can and does result in delays in consumers matters.
There have been teething pains over the last decade and a half but this year things are looking better than ever.
‘The NCR has been sending out invoices for the certificates well in advance’
The NCR has been sending out invoices for the certificates well in advance and they will be distributing digital copies of the Certificates. This year seems to be one of the most proactive and effective so far.
Note: Print copies of certificates are available for collection in the Midrand NCR offices (Gauteng) upon prior arrangement.
The NCR have urged Debt Counsellors not to wait for an invoice however and to just pay with the NCR DC# as reference in advance to ensure this year runs smoothly.