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NCR Workshop for Debt Counsellors

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The National Credit Regulator will be hosting a workshop with registered Debt Counsellors in Bloemfontein, Free State Province. The workshop is intended only for registered Debt Counsellors and will be attended by some of the key industry stakeholders who will conduct presentations on their different roles within the Debt Counselling industry.





There will be a discussion on  recent court judgments, general compliance with the NCA and a further discussion of the current debt counselling process. There will be presentations and question and answer sessions.

When,Where, What?

Date: Friday, 21 February 2014

Time: 09:00am to 15:30pm

Venue: Kopano Nokeng Country Lodge & Conference Centre.  Address: 14 Masselspoort Road

(Approximately 2 kms from Bram Fisher Airport) Map available here: MAP KOPANO NOKENG directions

RSVP to Sharon Mokwena as soon as possible or before end of business 14th February 2014.